यत्र गाव: प्रसन्ना: स्यु: प्रसन्नास्तत्र सम्पद:| यत्र गावो विषण्णा: स्युर्विषण्णास्तत्र सम्पद:|| ( Meaning – Where cows are happy all the riches are blissfully acquirable and where cows are unhappy, all the riches vanish sadly.)
Importance of cow in human life was recognized by ancient Bhartiya Rishi, only after testing the benefits from cow as per the science prevalent then. Cow was awarded status of ‘Mother’ (Gomata). The ancient parameter of richness was, owning more number of cows. Cow was a symbol of wealth. Cow is called ‘Kamdhenu’, not only because she is wealth (Artha) creator, but she is ‘Dharma’, ‘Kama’ (being Kamdhenu) and Moksha (being giver of salvation) too. That is why Bhagwan Shrikrishna too gave the cow utmost priority in his life. From the time immemorial till today, cow is being worshipped and has been a subject of utmost faith in Bharatiya people. As you may know, importance of Bhartiya cow (not Jersy) is being realised world wide after the benefits from her are being proved by modern science.
History of our organization:
History of our Organisation
With the inspiration from Golokwasi Shradheya Shri Ramchanraji Dongre Maharaj, the pious work of saving cows and it’s progeny from the clutches of slaughterers started by inspired volunteers in 1986. The rescued cow progeny were being handed over for sheltering to the then existing Goshala (Cow shelters) till 1993.
On 14th April 1993, “Adarsha Sanskar Mandal” came in to existence with the donation of 10 acers of land by benevolent and social activist, Golokwasi Shri Shankarlalji Khandelwal. The land is at Mhaispur, Tq. Akola, Dist. Akola. The work of rescuing, protecting and sheltering cows continued under the banner of “Adarsh Sanskar Mandal” and the rescued cow progeny were sheltered on the said land at Mhaispur.
“On the auspicious occasion of Ramanavami, 19th March 1999, the above said 10 acers of land of “Adarsh Sanskal Mandal” was transferred on lease to Adarsh Goseva Evam Anusandhan Prakalp, Akola and the said work of rescuing cow progeny was continued with renewed zest under latter banner.”
The full credit goes to Shri Ratanlalji Khandelwal, nephew of above mentioned benevolent Golokvasi Shri Shankarlalji Khandelwal, for founding of this Goseva organization successfully, taking care and making it grow like a Banyan tree. Shri Ratanlalji is devoted to this organization for full time from 1993 till today. He was the chairman of the organization from 2010 to 2016. He is also active as member/director of many All India institutions, working for Goseva.
In the course of time, the institution acquired land at Alegaon and Savrgaon (both Dist. Akola) through donation/purchase and work of sheltering and feeding the cow progeny started there also.
As on 31.12.2018, we have total number of 1687 cow progeny, being sheltered at our Goshala at, Mhaispur, Alegaon and Savargaon.
To encourage establishing Goshala : Till date 32 cow shelters have been established in Akola district with the help of local cow devotees.
To work for awakening in the society about importance of indigenous cow progeny with the help of Saints and prominent personalities in the socity
ii)Gorakshan (Protecting the cow progeny):
“Govansh rescued by the police are being handed our at our Mhaispur site”
To rescue/Save cow-progeny from unlawful transport and slaughter.
Our’s is a main Goshala in the district where police administration hand over for sheltering the cows/progeny, which are rescued by them from unlawful transport and slaughter.
After such rescue, cases are filed in the courts of law and we are the party in such cases. As on 31.12. 2018, total of 189 cases are being fought by us in various courts.
iii)Gosangopan: (Sheltering and feeding cow/progeny):
Our Mhaispur shelter
Our Alegaon Shelter
We are doing pious work of Gosangopan at our shelters at Mhaispur (Tq. and Dist. Akola), Alegaon and Savargaon (both Tq. Patur, Dist. Akola)
To develop the breed of indigenous (Bhartiya) cow-progeny, research and to supply potential bulls to the farmers for qualitative improvement of indigenous breed.
v)To poularize Cow products:
To popularize the use of indigenous cow’s milk, butter and Ghee.
To make available to farmers, organic NADEP Compost, Vermicompost and to train the farmers in manufacturing these organic fertilizers.
To prepare medicines from Cow’s dung, urine, milk, curd and ghee (Panchagavya based medicines).
To creat awareness in the society about importance of Panchagavya based medicies in increasing resistance power and curing the diseases.
To organize training camps to spread above objectives in the society, particularly among the farmers.
vi) Ved and Upanishad:
To spread the divine message of Ved and Upanishad in the society.
Considering our dedication for the cause of cow progeny and our consistant activities like protecting, sheltering and developing cow progeny, preparing medicines from Panchagavya, Tree-plantation, manufacturing organic fertilisers etc, Jivjantu Kalyan Board, Govt. of India (Animal Welfare Board, Govt. of India), not only accorded us afflication but also accorded status of Model Goshala to our organization vide Govt. Gazzette bearing no. 042/1998 AWO file no.10/131/98 AWO.
Our organization has been appointed as infirmary under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960, by Committee to Monitor Animal Welfare Laws in Maharashtra, vide their letter no.HCC/AWL/248-284/07-08 dated 9.02.2008.
iii)Goseva Puraskar:
Goseva Puraskar
Our organization has been accorded ‘Shradhey Moropant Pingle Goseva Puraskar 2013’ by ‘Govigyan Sanshodhan Sanstha, Pune and Dadar and Nagar Haveli Mukti Sangram Samiti, Pune’.
iv)Ahimsa Award:
Ahimsa Award
Our organization has been accorded ‘Ahimsa Award’ from Bhagawan Mahaveer Pashu Raksha Kendra, Mundra (Kutch, Gujarat).
v)Manapatra (Certificate
for values):
Manapatra was conferred on Shri Ratanlalji Khandelwal, our Ex-president by ‘Vidarbha Gorakshan Samuha Ayojit , Vidarbhastariya Goshala Trustee Sammelan – 17.09.2017’.
vi)Go Ratna Sanman:
Go Ratna Sanman
’Go Ratna Sanman’ was awarded to us by ‘Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Goraksha Vibhag’ during their ‘Akhil Bhartiya Baithak-24th & 25th Feb.2018’ at Bhilai (Chhattisgarh).
i)Bhartiya Govansh Rakshan and Yuvak Samskar Shibir – Akola District. (All India Cow progeny Protection and Enlighting the Youth – Camp)-Thesday, 13th December 2005:
“Sitting from left – Shri Kesarichandji Mehta, Shri Bandataya Karadkar, Late Shri Rajivji Dixit –Founder Azadi Bachao Andolan, Shri Sanjayji Maharaj Pachpor, Swami Shri Govinddevji Giri Maharaj and Shri Hukumchandji Sawla (sitting extreme right)”
The camp was successfully organized at our Mhaispur site by our organization, jointly with all other Goshala (Cow shelters) in Akola district. The theme of the camp was ‘protecting and sheltering the indigenous Cow progeny and natural farming with the help of Bullocks. The theme, if brought in practice, would free us from present poisonous grain, polluted water and air.
The camp was attended by one village-head, one orgnizer and 10 volunteers from each village of Akola district. In all 9000 representatives participated in the camp. The participating youth and farmers were enlightened regarding importance of protecting and sheltering cow progeny. Comprehensive scientific and spiritual information about the cow progeny and their benefits were imparted to the participants.
It was our fortune that for guiding the participants, dignitaries like Swami Shri Govinddev Giriji Maharaj (Acharya Shri Kishorji Vyas), Shri Bandatatya Karadkar, Shri Tukaram Maharaj, Shri Kesarichandji Mehta, Shri Hukumchandji Sawla, Shri Sanjayji Maharaj Pachpor, Shri Dayma Maharaj and Shri Rajivji Dixit, Founder-Azadi Bachao Aandolan were present.
ii)Kirtankar Seminars:
“Ramayanacharya Shri Sanjayji Maharaj Pachpor addressing the participants.”
To spread the knowledge about importance of Cow progeny in the rural areas, Kirtankar Seminars were arranged at our Mhaispur site and other places in the years 2006,2007 & 2008 with the inspiration from Shri Sanjayji Maharaj Pachpor and Shri Dayma Maharaj. In these seminars, guidance of following well known personalities was available:
iii)Gobhakta Mahila Sammelan – Akola district – 20th January 2013: (Cow Devotees-Women Seminar):
Smt. Sindhutai Sapkal, famous Social worker addressing the participants
Gobhakta Mahila Sammelan
The conference of cow loving women of Akola district was successfully arranged at our Mhaispur site on 20.01.2013. The objective of the conference was to creat awareness among the women about:
Necessity to protect and not to sell cow progeny, love and shelter the cow progeny.
To make use of the Panchagavya (cow’s milk, ghee, curd, urine, dung) and Panchagavya based medicines to protect the health of their family members.
To produce organic grains in the fields and consume only organic grains.
The conference was attended by five women from each village of Akola district, totaling to 4000 women and 1000 women from Aklola city i.e. in all 5000 cow loving women participated in the conference.
The guidance was given by well known social activists like Smt. Sindhutai Sapkal, Shri Hukumchandji Sawla, Hari Bhakt Parayan Sanjayji Maharaj Pachpor, Mangalatai Kamble, Godavaribai Band, Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Wagh, Dayama Maharaj etc.
iv)Govansh Rakshak Sammelan (Cow Progeny-Protectors’ Conference) at Akola) Saturday 18th January 2014:
“Adv. Sau Aparnatai Ramtirthakar, Social activist addressing the gathering. Sitting from the left, Shri Sanjayji Maharaj Pachpor, Shri Uttambabu Maheshwari, Shri kesarichandji Mehta, Shri Hukumchandji Sawla, Swami Shri Govinddev Giriji Maharaj.”
To make this conference successful, the Akola District was devided in 8 parts. In these 8 parts, there were total of 65 main localities. The endeavour was that from each locality, 100 cow lovers (men & women) should attend the conference. In all 6500 Cow protectors participated in the conference.
The conference was greatly successful in bringing awareness among the participants about need to protect the cow progeny and in finding the ways to protect the cow progeny from slaughtering.
Shri Hukumchandji Sawala, Indore ( National Vice president, Vishwa Hindu Parishad)
Shri Uttamji Maheshwari, Mumbai (Cow therapy activist and well known Health scientist)
v)On the lines of conference detailed in sr. no. (4) above, conferences were held at Amravati, Yavatmal and Buldhana districts by combined efforts of our organization & Bhartiya Govansh Rakshan, Sanvardhan Parishad.(Vidarbha region):
a)Yavatmal District (16th January 2017):
Coordinator: Shri Gorakshan Sanstha, Near Loha Pool, Yavatmal.
Participation :- Representatives from 22 Tahasils, 35 Cow shelters and volunteers from all the villages in the district.
b)Amravati District (17th January 2017):
Coordinator: Shri Gorakshan Sanstha, Amravati.
Participation: Representatives from 7 Tahasils, Trustees of 58 Cow shelters and volunteers from all the villages in the district.
Shri. Girishji Bapat, Minister, Food and Drug Administration Department, Maharashtra Government and President, Goshala Mahasangh.
Shri. Girishbhai Shah, Samasta Mahajan, Mumbai & Member, Animal Welfare Board, Govt. of India, Delhi.
Shri. Sunilji Mansinhka, Member, Animal Welfare Board, Govt. of India, Delhi.
of the conferencewas as
To revive the Panjarpol / Goshalas.
Management of fodder.
Memorandum to be submitted to the Government about requiremts of Goshalas and demands in the interest of Cow progeny.
To give to the participants, information about present Government Schemes.
Guidance from learned persons in the fields of Jivraksha and Goseva.
Demand for the constitution of Maharashtra Goseva Aayog.
Protection and development of Gochar land.
To inform to the participants, about the working of ‘Animal Welfare Board, Govt. of India, Delhi.
To take up the issue of formation of ‘Goshala Mahasangh’.
In the conference, following cow devotees, who dedicated their lives in the service to the cow Progeny, were felicitated by the Chief Minister Shri Devendraji Fadnavis.
“Shri Ratanlalji Khandelwal, Ex-president, Adarsh Goseva Evam Anusandhan Prakalp, Akola was felicitated by Dhri Devendraji Fadnavis.”
“Shri Kanaklalji (Kanubhai) Sawadia, Nagpur was felicitated by Shri Devendraji Fadnavis.”
Representatives from 28 Districts of Maharashtra participated in the conference.
In all 425 representatives of 250 Goshalas (Cow Shelters) of Maharashtra participated in the conference.
The conference was a grand success.
vii)Parjanya Yag (31st March 2019 to 05th April 2019) :
The Yagya was performed by learned Vaidic from Yogiraj Ved Vigyan Ashram, Barshi, Dist. Solapur, founded by Swargiya Nana Shastri Kale.
(Meaning – All creatures live on food and food is obtained because of rains. Rains are created by Yagya and Yagya is performed by doing assigned duties (Karma).
Based on these words of Bhagwan Shri Krishna, with a wish for rains in the coming rainy season, Parjanya Yag was performed at Pujaniya Dongreji Maharaj Vedvigyan Ashram’s Yagyashala at our Mhaispur site, from 9 am on 31st March 2019 to 9 am on 5th April 2019 without break (day and night) on the auspicious Varun Yoga in the 2nd half of the month of Falgun.
viii) In addition to the above conferences, following conferences, training camps were held by our organization:
Swadeshi Vighyan Mela – 2nd Feb. 2000.
Shikshak Prashikshan Shibir – 29th Sept to 3rd Oct. 2001.
Govansh Rakshak Varg – Nov. 2002
Prashikshan Shibir, Kanshivani – 6.02.2005.
Kaushalya Vikas Shibir – 17th to 20th March 2005. Late Shri Rajivji Dixit of Azadi Bachao andolan, attended this Shibir and addressed the participants.
Kisan Chetna Dindee – 20.02.2006.
Goraksha Prabandhan va Swavalamban Pramanpatra Abhyaskram (4 months’ Residential Training and 3 months’ ‘On the Job Training.’).
Vaigyanik Margadarshan Satra.
Kirtankar, Dharmacharya and Govansh Rakshak Sammelan presided over by Swami Ramdevbaba
Images and titles of other such conferences held by our organization are given in the Gallery section, under the head, ‘Achievements’
ix)Research Related Activities:
Follwing are the research related activities conducted at our Institution:
a)Title of the research:..‘Effects
of Panchagavya as a Growth Promotor in broilers’.
A. A.
A. N. Sarag, Asstt. Professor, Deptt. Of Poultry Science, PGIVAS, Akola.
Place where Study was undertaken : Poultry Research Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary and Animal Science, Akola.
Place where Panchagavya was prepared : Dhanvantari Bhavan, Adarsha Goseva Evam Anusandhan Prakalp, Mhaispur, Akola.
of Study : 42 Days.
study paper was submitted to : Adarsha Goseva Evam Anusandhan
Prakalp, Akola.
Conclusion of the Study :-
Panchagavya supplemented groups contributed to better weight gain in the broilers as compared to untreated ones.
Increase in weight in Panchagavya treated broilers and cost of Diet with Panchagavya is observed more profitable in relation to cost of non-Panchagavya.
Supplementation of Panchagavya revealed significant reduction in blood cholesterol level of broilers.
Supplementation of Panchagavya had immunomodulating effect and improved immune status of birds.
b)Tile of Research :
Analytical study of economic and Professional Status of Adarsha Goseva Evam
Anusandhan Prakalp, Akola. (Period considered for study of the Prakalp:
2004-2005 & 2005-2006).
Researcher :
Miss Rupa Zabulalji Gupta, M.Com.,B.Ed
Guide: Prof. Laxminarayan Sharma, M. Com., M.Phil., B. Ed. (Head of Business Economics Dept., Smt. L. R. T. College of Commerce, Akola).
Purpeose of the research : Short Research Paper for obtaining M.Phil. (Commerce) Degree of Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University, Amravati. Year 2006-2008.
Conclusion of the research : The main aim of Adarsha Goseva Evam Anusandhan Prakalp, Akola is saving cows which are illegally transported for slaughtering. The organisation is successfully endeavouring to protect the cows. In addition, the organization gives utmost importance to the service to the and development of Cow progeny insteased of financial gains.
Society is getting inspired by the ideal work of service to the cow progeny, being done by the organization. Society and Country as a whole is getting benefited economically, socially and professionally by the Panchgavya based medicines and other products of day to day use, which are being manufactured and sold by the organization.
c)Title of the research : “Economic and social importance of Panchagavya of indigenous Cow- Analytical Study – Period 2001 to 2009”.
Researcher :
Dr. Sunil Baljorsingh Suryavanshi.
Guide : Dr. Sanjay S. Tekade, M.Com., B.Ed., M Phil., Ph.D. Jawaharlal Nehru college of Arts,Commerce and Science, Wadi, Nagpur.
Purpose of Research : Establishment of Rural Economy based on indigenous Cow Progeny. To obtain Ph.D. degree (Commerce) from Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj University, Nagpur.
Conclusion of the research : The researcher has suggested following measures for well being of the cow progeny.
Cow should be declared as the ‘National Animal’.
In the Central Government, there should be separate ministry for well being of cow progeny.
Central Government should form ‘National Cow Development Commission’.
On the lines of Central Jail of Bhopal, Cow shelters should be established in all the Central jails in Bharat.
There should be complete ban on export of meat of Cow progeny.
All the slaughter houses in India should be shut down permanently.
In the offence of illegal transport of Cow progeny, the driver’s driving licence and transport licence of the vehicle should be permanently cancelled.
Subsidy in chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides should be abolished and organic fertilizers and organic pesticides should be promoted.
Feeding the cow is a Punya Karma (holy deed). We inspire the people for feeding the cow in following ways:
While cooking, first Roti/chapatti should be made for the cow and should be fed to her.
Daily, keep aside fist of grain powder and feed it to the cow.
Once in a year, donate to Goshala, an amount at least at the rate of Rupee ten per day.
This is an attempt to creat an awareness in the society about cause of the cow.
Our organization has floated a scheme, Gogras Yojna. Under this scheme people can donate to our organization, an amount as per their wish, which we utilise for purchasing feed for the cows which are being sheltered by us at our three sites viz Mhaispur, Alegaon & Savargaon.
ii)Gauchara Yojna (Hay for cow):
Under this scheme, anyone can donate a fixed sum to our organization on a special occasion like birthday, marriage anniversary etc. The name and occasion chosen by the donor are written on that special day every year, on the white board displayed prominently in our office at M.G. Road, Akola. The donations received under this scheme are kept as a Fixed Deposit in the Bank, and interest received on it is utilised to purchase Gauchara (Hay) for the cows.
iii)Gaudan (Donating the cow):
“One of the Godan Vidhi (rite) held at our Mhaispur site.”
उशीनरो विश्वगश्वो नृगश्च भगीरथो विश्रुतो यौवनाश्व:| मान्धाता वै मुचुकुन्दश्च राजा भूरिद्युम्नो नैषध: सोमकश्च|| पुरूरवा भरतश्चक्रवर्ती यस्यान्ववाये भरता: सर्व एव | तथा वीरो दाशरथिश्च रामो ये चाप्यन्ये विश्रुता: किर्तीमन्त: || तथा राजा पृथुकर्मा दिलिपो दिवं प्राप्तो गोप्रदानैर्विधिज्ञ:|| तथा राजा पृथुकर्मा दिलिपो दिवं प्राप्तो गोप्रदानैर्विधिज्ञ:|| (महाoअनुo 76 I25-27)
(Meaning:- Ushinar, Vishwagashv, Nrug, Bhagirath, Yauvanashv, Mandhata, Muchukund, Bhuridhyumn, Naishadh, Somak, Pururava, that world conqueror Bharat whose all descendants are also called Bharat, son of Dasharath i.e. brave Ramchandra, all other well famed Kings and mighty King Dilip – all these did Godan (cow donation) and ascended to devine world (heaven) after their demise.)
Importance of Gaudan is well known to Bhartiyas since ages.
Anyone wishing to donate cow (Gaudan) approaches us and we arrange Savatsa Dhenu (Cow with her calf) for donation.
vi)Govansh Rakshan Varga (Training camps for protecting cow progeny):
Training camps are organized at our site at Mhaispur from time to time, with a view to:
Creating awareness in the society to protect the cow progeny from illegal transport & slaughter.
Convincing the farmers that they must not sell their cow progeny to slaughterers, in their own & in the society’s interest.
Creating awareness in the society about utility of cow progeny.
The camps are attended by ten youth from each village of the tahasils of Akola District. After the camps are over, these youths go to their villages and serve for protection and other causes of the cow progeny.The camp is a effective medium for Govansh Raksha (protection of cow progeny).
v)Gramin Rojgar (Rural Emplyoment):
At our sites at Mhaispur, Alegaon and Savargaon following activites are undertaken:
Shaltering and feeding the cow progeny.
Developing/preparing medicines from Panchagavya at our Mhaispur site.
Tree planting.
Different construction works for various purposes.
Manufacture of orgnanic fertilisers at Mhaispur site.
As on 31.12.2018, total of 62 youths and women from rural areas have got the employment for above activities.
Our institution is endeavouring to achive rural employment, based on cow progeny and Panchagavya. It is a small step towards “Shaswat Arthavyavstha” (Economy of Permanence).
“Inauguration of the Panchagavya Ayurved Chikitsa Kendra”
This center is inaugurated on the auspicious occussion of Vijayadashami (Dasera), dated 18th Oct 2018. The center is opened at our office at Toshniwal Dharmashala, Gandhi Road, Akola. The Panchagavya treatment of the visiting patients is done by the expert Ayurved Doctor (Vaidya).
This is our latest endeavour to popularise Panchagavya based medicines in the society with a view to making available to the people, health protecting and resistance enhancing as well as affordable medicines as an alternative to the harmful medicines with sever side effects.
vii)Prakrutik Chikitsa va Upachar (Natural Treatment) – (Free Consultancy):
Natural Treatment
These free services are rendered by Ayurvedic Dietician at our office at Toshniwal Dharmashala, Gandhi Road, Akola from the month of Nov.-18. The consultancy services are available on every Tuesday and Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m.
viii)Go-Dattak Yojna (‘Adopt a cow’ scheme):
Our institution is sheltering and feeding cow progeny at our Mhaispur, Alegaon and Savargaon sites. These cow progeny are ones which are saved from illegal slaughtering and the ones surrendered to us by the farmers for financial reasons.
Almost every year we are facing the scarcity of fodder due to famine. On the top of it the number of cow progeny rescued from slaughtering is increasing day by day. The funds raised by our organization through activities like sale of our products of medicines and fertilizers are not sufficient for maintenance of the ever increasing cow progeny .
The scheme is floated to raise funds to purchase fodder for cow progeny. As per this scheme, any one can adopt a cow from our Prakalp and donate maney for her maintenance. The cow remains at our site. The duration of the scheme is five years. He can donate Rs.300/- per month or Rs-3650/- per year or Rs. 18250/- in a single payment for five years. The total sum collected under the scheme will be utilized to purchase fodder for the cows. Each cow adopted by the donors will be given an unique number. The donor’s name and cow’s unique number would be written in the front side of cow shelter at our Mhaispur site. The donor will be given receipt for his donation and the unique number of the cow will be noted on the receipt.
The donor can visit his adopted cow at his convenience and develop an acquaintance by caressing her and feeding fodder to her.
This scheme enables an individual to serve and develop acquaintance with the cow because in the present situation, it is not possible for every individual in the society to shelter and feed a cow at his home.
i)Vedvigyan Ashram and Yagyashala (Hermitage for science relating to Ved and Place for preforming Yagya):
Shri Ramchandraji Dongre Maharaj Ved vigyan Ashram
Along with Gorakshan (Protection of cow progeny), protection of Bharatiya Sanskriti (Bharatiya Culture), Ved and knowledge of both are utmost important. All the Ved have described importance of cow. Govigyan (science relating to cow) and Vedvigyan (science relating to ved) have been testified by the modern science. For protecting ved and spreading it’s knowledge, “Shri Ramchandraji Dongre Maharaj Vedvigyan Ashram and Yagyashala” were made functional on the auspicious day of Akshay Trutiya, 28th April 1998 at our Mhaispur site.
The willing students were taught by Vedpathi Acharyaji (Well versed Scholar on Ved). The Ashram’s (hermitage) all the activites were run as per ancient Gurukul (hermitage where students learn as well as reside free of cost) traditions. All the expenses relating to students (like residence, food, material for learning) were borne by our institution.
Various Yagya like Parjanya Yag, Nityaparjanya Yag, Mahavarun Yag, Yajnayag etc. were performed with an aim to abolish the famine and for making our country prosperous and flourishing. All the activities and yagya at the Ashram were guided by Golokvasi Somyagi Shri Nana Kale from Yogiraj Vedvigyan Ashram, Barshi (Dist. Solapur). Though presently no students reside at the Ashram, activities of Yogya are continued. We are looking forward to admitting students on residential basis, soon.
ii)Sapta Go Parikarma Mandir (Temple for going round the Seven cows):
“Sapta Go parikrama Mandir at our Mhaispur site”
Cow’s importance has been detailed in all our Dharmagranth (religious books), Ved and Puran. But the present age is of science and society is not ready to accept the knowledge in Puranas, without being testified by modern science. For this reason, our endeavour is to establish knowledge in Puranas based on modern science.
The experiments were conducted to understand the energy flow from higher Cow values to Human. This is just like rubbing an iron needle against magnet and as a result the needle attains magnetic power. The same happens when we do Pradakshina around cow. Also by patting the cow, one can transfer his negative energy through hidden chakras in the fingers. The cow absorbs and neutralizes the negative energy with it’s high pyramid energy of the hump.
Saptagaupradakshina Temple, where one can go round seven cows, has been built at our Mhaispur site.
(Meaning:- Have a Darshan (visit) of Gomata (mother Cow). Bow down (Namaskar) before Cow. Go round (Padakshina) the cow. By doing so, one accomplishes rounding seven islands and the world. Cow is the mother of all living entities and giver of all the happiness. One who aspires growth, should make the rounds of cow regularly. (Padam Puran- Shrushti Khand- Shlok – 48-13 and 145-146)
iii) Dhanwantari
Vastu Shanti and Inauguration Function
The work of preparing medicines from Panchagavya at our Mhaispur site was started by Golokwasi Rajvaidya Shri Revashankarji Sharma and he also arranged a camp for treatment by ‘cow urine’ (Gomutra Chikitsa) during 1995-96. The events of holding camps at our Mhaispur site continued, wherein Golokvasi Dr. Shri Gaurishankarji Maheshwari and Golokvasi Shri Nadep Kaka personally participated and they treated the patients and developed different medicines based on the knowledge in ancient texts on Ayurveda.
Dhanvantari Bhavan
For preparation of and research in Panchagavya medicines, our organization built modern building, Dhanwantari Bhavan at our Mhaispur site by following the norms laid down in ‘Schedule T’ of Durgs and cosmetic Act 1940 of Maharashtra Govt. The building work was completed in 2002. Specialists in the field are working in the laboratory at our Dhanwantari Bhavan.
To establish the economic utility of Bhartiya Govansh (cow progeny) and cow progeny based rural economy, we started at Dhanvantari Bhavan, preparing health protecting medicines and cosmetics from Panchagavya and Ayurvedic plants. We are proud that our Adarsh Goseva Evam Anusandhan Prakalp, Akola is the first organization in India which started preparing Panchagavya based medicines.
It is observed and experienced that Panchagavya medicines are effective in enhancing resistance power, curing and recovering from diseases and bodily disorders. Panchagavya treatment is a subtle combination of modern scientific therapy and divine knowledge in our Puranas (Ancient texts).
We are preparing medicines from Panchagavya, under the licence from Food and Drugs Dept, Maharashtra Govt. ‘Kapila’ is our ‘Brand name’ and is prefixed to our each medicine’s name and to each ‘daily use items’ manufactured by us.
“Place for manufacturing Nadep Compost at our Mhaispur site.”
Why Organic Fertilizers and Organic Pesticides should be used?
Chemial fertilizers and pesticides are used with the temptation of excess produce.
Initially, with the use of even lesser chemical fertilizers, production was surplus.
But slowly and steadily land’s fertility started getting emaciated, production got reduced and crops became weak.
Weak crops got easily attacked by diseases and insects.
To protect the crops, more and more chemical pesticides were used.
Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides increased cost of production and resulting weak crops reduced farmer’s profit. Small farmers started getting indebted.
Earthworms and beneficial microorganism make the land fertile. They make the land porus and spongy. This enables air and light to reach in to the land deep and balance the temperature and humidity. Poisonous chemicals present in chemical fertilizers and pesticides mix with ground water and pollute it. Air is also polluted. Earthworms and benefial microorganism get killed. This makes land hard and barren
The toxic chemicals present in the chemical fertilizers and incecticides make the crop poisonous by entering the crop along with other minerals through the medium of water. When humans and animals eat these crops in the form of food, the toxic chemicals adversely affect their health dreadfully and creat various diseases in their bodies. Presently we are observing this around us and in the society.
organic fertilizers do not pollute water and air. They immensely increase the quantity of earthworms and beneficial microorganism present under surface of the land. The crops are better and strong. The beneficial elements present in the organic fertilizers, reach in the body of humans, animals and birds through the medium of food and make them healthy. Strong crops are not attacked by diseases and insects. Even if the crops are attacked because of some natural reasons, they can be saved by spraying mix of Gomutra (indigenous cow’s urine) and medicinal plants. This saves the crops at very little cost and it does not have any ill effect on the environment.
Our endeavor is to creat awareness in the society for the use of organic/natural/bio friendly manure/fertilizers and pesticides i.e. ones which are manufactured by the use of cow dung, urine and agricultural waste. This would enhance the nutrition value and quality of the food items.
We have facilities to manufacture following organic manure and pesticides at our Mhaispur site.
NADEP Compost
Vermi compost
Instant fertilizer
Samadhi fertilizer
Sing fertilizer
Amrit water
Cow urine pesticides
Cow urine pesticides
Dashaparni Ark
Golmit Kadha.
v) Our organization’s branch expansion:
“Cow shades at our Alegaon site.”
Our organization has been sheltering and feeding cow progeny rescued from illegal transportation and slaughtering since 1993 till 1999, under the banner of ‘Adarsh Sanskar Mandal’ and from 1999 onwards, under the banner of ‘Adarsh Goseva Evam Anusandhan Prakalp, Akola’.
Cows are always a happy lot and remain healthy in the natural environment viz bush and forest and consequently their milk, dung and urine are more fitting for consumption/preparing medicines.
Our institution acquired farm land at Alegaon and Savargaon (both Tq. Patur, Dist. Akola), with a view to:
Accommodating ever increasing number of cow progeny, acquired after their rescue from illegal transportation and slaughtering. Surrendering the cow progeny to us by the farmers for economic reasons, also add to the existing number of cow progeny with us.
Providing the natural environment to the cow progeny. As on 31.12.2018, total cow progeny at our all the three sites put together are 1687 in number.
vi) Shet Tale (Water Pond):
“Picturesque view of the Shet Tale (Water Pond) at our Mhaispur site”
We have got dug, Shet Tale (Pond) admeasuring 30 Metres in length, 30 Metres in breadth and 10 feet in depth at our Mhaispur site, thanks to the Maharashtra Govt.’s scheme, ‘Magel Tyala Shet Tale (Pond in the field, on demand).’ During the rainy season of the year 2018, it got overflowed. The adjacent well also got fully filled. The pond and the well fulfills the water requirements like water for staff, govansh, trees etc. It also maintains the underground water level and makes the land around it, fertile.”
(Meaning : May my bad deeds (Papam) be removed by bath with cow dung. Also, the diseases and sorrows that may be associated with me, be burned by application of cow-dung.)
(Meaning : Dung of the Cow, who grazes in the forest of medicinal plants, is holy and purifier of the human body. Let all the diseases and sorrows associated with me be removed permanently.)
(Meaning : Shri Laxmi, who is holy and creator of the prosperities, always resides in the cow dung. That is why one should apply coat of cow dung on his body.)
In shastras (Ancient texts), information has been given about bath with cow dung, which eliminates diseases and sorrows. Germs are killed by sprinkling the floor of front yard and coating the house with mix of cow dung and water. By blindly following western culture, people who use bath soap containing chemical fat, suffer from ill effects like alopecia (hair loss), skin disorders and gray hair. Ill effects are manifesting slowly but surely in the society.
Golokwasi Nadep kaka, who has been introduced in the chapter, ‘Our Philosophers and Guides’, did research on cow dung and discovered bath soap and bath powder by using Cow dung, Multani soil, Ocher, Turmeric and Bitter neem (Azadirachta Indica) and named it ‘Kumar Angrag’. Kumar Angrag bath soap and powder are manufactured at our Mhaispur site.
Cow dung is natural deodorant and cosmetic, health protector, disorders terminator, strength enhancer and full of vitamins. Demand for our ‘Kumar Angrag’ soap and powder is ever increasing, even from cities like Mumbai.
Many of Goshala (Cow Shelters) regularly arrange ‘Gomay Snan Mahotsav’ (events of bath by cow dung). In Kumbhamelas also, saints and monks bath with cow dung. Our Prakalp also arranges every year, bath by cow dung on all Sundays in summer season, in the early morning. Hundreds of the people take benefit of this event every year. The response to ‘Gomay Snan’ at our prakalp is encouraging and on an average 150 to 200 Gobhaktas (cow-devotees) participate in this weekly event.
“Visit of a Dindee’s to our Mhaispur site”
Dindee is a group of Hindu devotees going walking to a holy place or pilgrimage or to attend any festival at any holy place. While walking they chant Bhajan (prayers to the god).
Ashadhi Ekadashi is one of the most important festivals, which is celebrated on eleventh lunar day (Ekadashi) of the bright fortnight ( Shukla paksha) of the Hindu month of Ashadh (mostly June-July). It is called Toli Ekadashi in Telugu. Ashadhi Ekadashi is celebrated in devotion to Lord Vishnu, the nurturing God. On this day, devotees woship Lord Vishnu and Laxmi and observe fast. Four holy Hindu months (Chaturmasa) start from this day and ends on Prabodhani Ekadashi i.e. eleventh day of bright fortnight in the month of Kartik. During Chaturmasa, devotees undertake to do a good deed on a daily basis, which is called ‘vrata’. On Ashdhi Ekadashi Lord Vishnu falls asleep in his abode i.e. Kshirsagar (cosmic ocean of milk) on Sheshnaga (multi headed giant and devine serpent) and awakens on Prabodhini Ekadashi.
In Maharashtra, hundreds of the Dindee, at least one from every village and town start well in advance and reach holy city of Pandharpur to have Darshana of the lord Pandhurang or Vitthal (these are other names of Lord Vishnu) on the day of Ashadhi Ekadashi. Pandhurang is the deity of Maharashtra.
Every year, many such Dindee, on their way to Pandharpur, come to our Mhaispur site for resting during the day or night. We serve the devotees of the Dindee, by making suitable arrangements for their comfortable stay and also provide tea, breakfast etc. One of such Dindee, regularly visits our Mhaispur site every year in the noon and we provide Lunch to all the participating devotees of this Dindee. This is our small attempt to show our appereciation and gratitude to the participants of the Dindee for upholding and continuing the age old traditions.
As per our Sanatan calendar, which is most scientific and which is based on revolution of moon around the earth (Lunar cycle), Gopashtami is celebrated every year on Kartik Shukla Ashtami (on eight day (Ashtami) of 1st half or bright fortnight (Shukla paksha) of the month of Kartik). In other words, Gopashtami is the eight day after Ashwin Amavasya i.e. Laxmi Pooja day of Diwali.
According to the ancient texts, following auspicious events took place on the day of Gopashatami, in the earlier Yug (era).
In Gokul (Where Lord Krishna lived in his childhood), on Kartik Shukla Ashtami, Nand Raja (foster father of Krishna) initiated Krishna as cowherd . That is why Krishna is lovingly called Gopal Krishna (Gopal means cowherd). Earlier he was taking care of only calves. Since then every year, Kartik Shukla Ashtami is celebrated as Gopashtami.
Kamdhenu (the divine cow, also known as Surabhi) appeared during churning of the cosmic ocean (Samudramanthan) by the Gods and demons to aquire Amrita (ambrosia, elixir of life, nectar), on Kartik Shukla Ashtami. This is mentioned in Mahabharata (Adi Parva). On appearance, she was handed over to Saptarshi (Seven great seers). This one is the most popular story among others, available in ancient texts, relating to appearance of Kamdhenu,
Kamdhenu is described as mother of all the cows. That is why all cows are considered and worshipped as Kamdhenu.
Gopashtami is celebrated all over India. This is the day to remember the favours bestowed by cow on the mankind.
“Gopashtami celebrations and Vishnu Yag at our Mhaispur site”.
Since 1998, our institution has been celebrating Gopashtami at our Mhaispur site. It was started with the inspiration from Golokvasi Param Pujaniya Shri Dongreji Maharaj. On this day, cow is bathed, decorated and worshipped (pooja is done). The cowherds (Gwalas) are also honoured. She is offered Gogras (fodder) and her Parikrama (rounding the cow) is done. On this day Shri Vishnu Yag is also performed with the prayers that slaughter of the cow progeny must be stopped. On this occasion, every year two guests viz renowned spiritual guide or a social worker and a learned personality from the field related to science are invited to guide the gathering. Every year a different religious family willingly and joyfully sponsors the Gopashtami celebrations and Shri Vishnu Yag as the yajman (host).
ii)Makar Sankrant:
As per Hindu calendar, festival of Makar sankrant is celebrated on the Solar day unlike other Hindu festivals which are lunar events i.e. are celebrated on the lunar days. It is celebrated every year on 14th or 15th January. On this day, Sun enters Makar Rashi (Zodiac sign of Capricorn) on the celestial path. This day is observed all over India and Nepal with celebrations like kite flying (viz International kite festival is held at Ahmedabad), fairs, bathing in rivers, worshiping Surya Dev (Sun god), cultural events etc.
It is a festival of harvest. The famous Kumbha mela is also held after every twelve years, on the day of Makar Sankrant . It is the first festival observed in Uttarayana (phase of around 6 months in which earth moves towards north on the celestial sphere). During Uttarayana, days are longer and the nights are shorter.
In different parts of India, this festival is celebrated with different names viz Makar Sakrant or Til Sankrant in Maharashtra, Lohri in Punjab, Pongal in Tamilnadu, Uttarayan in Gujrat and Bhogali Bihu in Assam. On this day, Till-gul laddu (delicacy made from sesame seeds and jaggery) are given to and received from friends, relatives. Particularly, elders give it to youngers along with Shubha Aashirvada (blessings). They are also given in Dan (Present). Other delicacies made from Til-gul are Gajak and Chikki. In Maharashtra it is a common expression while exchanging Til-gul, ‘Til Gul ghya ani god god bola’ (Eat Til-gul and speak sweetly).
यज्ञशिष्टाशिन: सन्तो मुच्यन्ते सर्वकिल्बिषै:| भुज्जते ते त्वघं पापा ये पचन्त्यात्मकारणात् || (भगवद्गीता – 3.13)
(Broad meaning : Those who enjoy what they have (wealth/food) only after donating/sharing it’s reasonable part with others are liberated from all sins/faults, nevertheless earning or cooking only for one’s own sake is sin.)
We have ancient tradition of donating/gifting on the auspicious day of Makar Sankrant. Donation given on special occasions like Makar Sankrant, results in gains in multiple times to the donor.
With a view to enlighting the society about our ancient tradition of donating and to unite the members of the society for the noble cause like Goseva, our organization is celebrating Makar Sankrant since 1999.
On this day, businessmen and cow-devotees donate cash or other eatables like hay, grass, jaggery, maize for cows. Even various associations related to different businesses collect such gifts/donations from their members and handover the same to our organization. This contributes in feeding cow progeny.
Bulls and oxen are from cow family i.e. are part of cow progeny. Since ancient times, bulls have been back bone of farm based Bhartiya economy. In recent times, due to technological developments like tractors and tempos, support of the bulls in farming and transport is reduced.
For expressing our gratitude towards bulls, for their invaluable contribution in subsistence of mankind, festival of Pola is celebrated. It is observed on Shravan or Pithori Amavasya (new moon day or last day of the month of Shravan, as per Hindu calendar). This festival is mainly celebrated in Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh, wherein it is also called as Bail Pola (Bull’s Pola). A Similar Festival is celebrated with the name Mattu Pongal in south. In western and northern parts of Bharat, it is observed as Godhan.
On this day, the bulls are bathed, decorated, garlanded an worshipped. Their horns are painted. No work is got done from them on this day. In the evening, procession of all the bulls in a village or a town is taken out.
“Pola celebration at our Mhaispur site”
At our Mhaispur site also, Pola is celebrated every year. Farmers in the vicinity, bring their decorated bulls to the site in the evening. They are fed and worshipped by the gathering. Then the farmers disperse with their bulls and take them to the houses in the village, to be worshipped by the ladies from every household.
Dasera is an important festival and precious day. As per Hindu calendar, festival of Godess (Devi) i.e. Navaratrra is celebrated from first day to nineth day of first half (bright fortnight) of the month of Ashwin and 10th day is observed as Dasera or Vijaya Dashami.
Godess Durga incarnated as Chandi to destroy demons like Shumbh, Nishumbh, Raktabij, Mahishasur etc. She had war with these Demon’s for 9 days, which are celebrated as Navaratri. On Dashami, Chandi destroyed Mahishasur and won a tremendous victory (Vijay). That is why this tenth day is celebrated as Vijayadashami.
As per ancient texts (Puranas), on Ashwin Shuddha Dashami (tenth day of the first half of the month of Ashwin), when the star is visible in the Sky, that moment is ‘Muhurta’ (auspicious moment) named Vijay. Whatever task one starts or undertakes at Vijay Muhurta is accomplished successfully. There are special three and half Muhurtas (auspicious days) in a Hindu calendar year viz Chaitri Padwa or Gudi Padva (Chaitra Shuddha Pratipada – first day of first half of the month of Chaitra), Akshay Trutiya (third day of first half of the month of Vaishakh), Vijayadashami (as detailed above) and Diwali Padwa (first day of first half of the month of Kartik – half muhurta).
On the Day of Vijayadashami, trees of ‘Shami’ (Prosopis cineraria) and ‘Aapta’ (Bauhinia racemosa) are worshipped. On the day of Vijayadashami, God Rama worshipped the tree of Shami and marched for the battle with Ravana and killed him. Pandavas also, on the day of Vijayadashami came out of hiding, worshipped the Shami tree and took back their weapons, which were hid on Shami tree before going in hiding.
Raghu Raja (ancestor of the God Rama) had to pay fourteen crore gold coins to Kautsa. So he invaded Kubera (Lord of Wealth). Being frightened, Kubera showered Shami tree with gold coins on the day of Vijayadashami. Raghu Raja gave required Gold coins to Kautsa and remaining Gold coins were distributed by him among the citizens of his kingdom. This is the story from Skanda Puran. The tradition of collecting leaves from Shami tree on Vijayadashami and giving them to relatives and friends, seems to have been inspired by this story of Raghu Raja.
The festival of Vijayadashami is celebrated all over Bharat. In many cities in Bharat, statue of Ravana is burned on the day of Vijayadashami, to mark the victory of good over evil.
In the ancient times, kings in Bharat used to start their march for expansion of their kingdoms on the day of Vijayadashami.
On this day, people worship weapons, machinery, texts, accountancy books, vehicles i.e. the things which support their livelihood.
At our Mhaispur site, we have trees of Shami and Aapta. On Vijayadashmi day, people from the vicinity and even from the city of Akola, come with their families at the Mhaispur site and worship Shami and Apta trees and collect leaves from these trees for giving to their friends and relatives
v) Naga Panchami at our Alegaon site:
“Hudi mandir, Alegaon site”
According to Hindu calendar, festival of Naga Panchami is celebrated on fifth fay of bright half of Lunar month of Shravana. The festival is traditionally celebrated in throughout Bharat and Nepal. On this day, statue or image or painting of Naga (snake or serpent) is worshipped and blessings are sought for welfare of the family.
At our Alegaon site, there is an old Naga (serpent) temple named Hudi Mandir. Stone statue of Naga has been installed in the temple. The temple is renovated recently. Every year, Naga Panchami is celebrated at Hudi Mandir on large scale. People of Alegaon and nearby villages visit the temple for Darshana of Naga Devata and offer flowers, Prasada and break coconuts.