i)Present Directors (Adarsha Goseva Evam Anusandhan Prakalp, Akola) As on 31.03.2019:
ii)Special Voluntary Cooperation:
iii)Present Maanagement (Adarsha Goseva Evam Anusandhan Prakalp, Akola) -As on 31.03.2019:
iv)Other Staff:
“Staff and Labourers at our Mhaispur site.”
In addition to the above referred management, we have following staff :
- Three technicians and three labourers working in the Medicine Laboratory (Dhanwantari Bhavan) at Mhaispur site.
- One manager and four labourers in Agriculture Dept.
- Twenty labourers in Gosangopan dept.
- Five labourers in Fertilizer dept.
- At our Alegaon site, there are twelve labourers in Agriculture dept. and eight labourers in Gosangopan dept.